Tuesday, February 3, 2009

World Peace Cookies

This week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe was selected by Jessica of cookbookhabit. These delicious chocolate-battered cookies are filled with chopped chocolate, as well as a good serving of salt to accent the flavors deliciously. It's also an egg-free dough, so it's one of those doughs you can get away with eating raw without too many worries.

The dough is very crumbly, so it may be hard to shape loaves like Dorie suggests. Rather than alter the dough, I just scooped out packed tablespoon-fulls of dough and baked them in the oven as per directions. They retained their dome shape from my tablespoon, so after they had cooled for a few minutes I patted them down with a fork. These cookies are delectable, melt (fall apart?) in your mouth, and are packed with a surprisingly high amount of flavor.

I'd be interested to make these cookies trying different types of salts, and seeing what sort of difference it actually makes in the overall flavor. The salt was particularly pronounced to me when the dough was still raw, but unfortunately seemed to lose its edge after baked. Had I used fleur de sel instead of Mediterranean sea salt, the outcome may have been different. Plus that'd give me a good excuse to make four batches in a row. All in the name of science, right?

Recipe: Baking: From My Home to Yours, by Dorie Greenspan pp. 138 - 139


Anonymous said...

I recommend using a finishing salt that is added to your cookies after they are cooked. Adding it to the recipe beforehand changes the salt's dissovability. You'll also be able to enjoy the texture and mouthfeel of say, a coarse Fleur de Sel when sprinkling it on afterwards verus prior to cooking.


Secret Stash Sea Salts

Unknown said...

Glad you liked these - even though you are a vanilla person! I think I need to do a few more test batches myself.

Lillian said...

Make more, make more! Try cutting back a bit on the flour -- that should help with the crumbliness. They really are amazing, no matter what they look like!

TeaLady said...

Sorry they were so crumbly for u. Some had trouble some didn't. Ah, well. Its the taste that counts and they were tasty. Try again. They are worth it.